Sunday 24 October 2010


photo by Barbie
The photo group that I am a member of, the "Beyond Group" was representing the EAF in the PAGB Print Championships at Conahs Quays on Saturday, this was the 5th year running that the group has done this, and again for the 5th year running the group got into the finals. In the end finishing in 8th place out of 36 clubs from all over Great Britain, putting the "Beyond Group" in the top 8 clubs in Great Britain for 5 years running, not a bad record, congratulations to all the members. A few of us went for a meal afterwards at a local pub where we decided to have a impromptu jam session..don't ask...

Sunday 3 October 2010


Barbie doing a bit of Pole Dancing at the Proud Gallery..! photo by Rusty
On Saturday Barbie and I dropped our daughter Lucretia and her Boyfriend Clive off at Luton Airport, as they are getting married in Greece, Barbie will be flying out for the wedding in ten days time, I am staying behind as we are so busy at work. But on the way back from Luton we stopped of at Camden..any excuse.